44 results for author: ssquires

Presentation on the Life of Narcissa Prentiss Whitman

The talk, with Power Point slides, is available in two lengths – 30 minutes and 45 minutes. It encompasses Narcissa’s life from her beginnings in rural Prattsburgh in the early 1800s to her untimely death in 1847. Her journey to old Oregon Country is a significant part of the presentation Emphasis on the achievement of both Narcissa and Eliza Hart Spalding as the first non-Indian women to cross the Continental Divide. Find out how this opened the west for families to emigrate and affected the eventual division of Oregon Country between Great Britain and the United States. If your organization is ...

Hard at Work…

  The Narcissa Prentiss House Committee is busy at work this year bringing back some old history. We found old photos that showed a stone path leading to the front door. With a lot of work they were all revealed and look amazing.   Old photos also showed the steps to the lower lever of the grounds to be wide open so we have opened those up with hopes of adding grass and smaller scrubs.

We welcome you to our House

Ever wonder what this house is as you drive by. We love to give you a tour of the house in Prattsburgh, NY.

Our website is new so come back soon!

We are excited to have a website now to share all the wonder items in the Narcissa Prentiss house with all of you.